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Kamupak's reusable take-away dishes

a circular packaging system making reusability part of your daily life

100 000

Single-use packages saved





Kamupak in Finland

Solving the global waste crisis.

Kamupak solves the issue of single-use packaging waste with a digital reuse system coupled with the most sustainable reusable take-away packaging

KamuDish saves up to 6 garbage bags of waste during its life cycle

KamuDishes are available in more than a hundred restaurants around Finland.

Our partner network is growing fast!

One KamuDish can be used an average 100 times.

Reduce CO2 emissions

*Compared to traditional take-away packaging

Let's change the world together #OneMealAtATime

We want to act as a catalyst for new circular economy solutions, both in Finland and abroad. We keep working hard to fulfill our mission of becoming a new, mass-accepted way of consuming sustainably.

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Kamupakin applikaatio jolla voit lainata KamuAsioita napin painalluksella

Introducing borrow! 

Now you can borrow KamuDishes, even multiple at the same time, free of charge!


When borrowing, you’ll agree to return the dishes within 14 days to one of our partner restaurants.

google play
CEO and founder of Kamupak Iida Miettinen going through their reusable box and cup inventory

Teknologiayhtiö Enston omistajaperheen Iida Miettinen sai onnettomuudessa vakavan aivovamman. Kuntoutumisen...

We've been featured by some of the most notable environmental think tanks out there

Some of them are only in Finnish, but bear with us as we expand and take over the world. You will find more and more English news about us. 

Kamupak CEO and founder Iida Miettinen posing for a photo in front of trees

Suomalaisyrityksen visiossa kertakäyttöpakkaukset korvattaisiin kokonaan pantillisilla. Tutkija muistuttaa, ettei kertakäyttöpakkauskaan yksin ole...


EU-komissio halusi, että uudelleenkäytettävät astiat korvaisivat kertakäyttöiset mukit ja rasiat. Pakkausteollisuuden lobbarit pyyhkivät kovilla tavoitteilla pöytää.

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